Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Tiger's apology was sincere or not ?

Sixty percent of U.S. viewers who participated in a poll Friday said they seemed that  pro Tiger Wood  looked sincere in his televised apology .His apology seemed sincere to more than half of Americans, but his popularity remains in the weeds.

According to  ABC News/ESPN poll conducted from on  Feb. 25-28 revealed that  54 percent of over 1,000 viewers said that Woods was sincere when he apologized  for the disgrace that is conducted  by his admitted extramarital affairs. Twenty-two percent of this respondents didn't believe this, and 24 percent didn't give any opinion.

 Woods has been on a continuous decline since the  disclosure of his affairs broke. Now only 39 percent people have a favorable impression of the golfer after his these occurrences.That's very sad that decreased  from his ratings of approval in 2000 (88 percent), 2001 (84 percent) and 2005 (85 percent)

31 percent of those polled agreed with those decisions taken by companies that companies like Gatorade and Gillette have canceled Woods' endorsement deals , but 54 percent suggested that the golfer Wood should be continued as a spokesperson for their products.
Indeed, most of those polled are ready to give Woods a mulligan, but they don't think his wife should be so forgiving. Fifty-five percent expressed they are ready to forgive Woods, while only 29 percent said his wife,Eli Woods should do the same. 21 percent say she shouldn't forgive him, and 42 percent of those polled said it's none of their headaches.

Glenn Kessler, president and chief executive officer of HCD Research, said in a statement "Our automated response curves revealed that male and female viewers' sincerity levels were fairly consistent,"  "The one exception occurred when Mr. Woods made comments denying the presence of any domestic violence, during which men perceived him to be less sincere than women in regard to those statements."

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